
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2021
THE MYSTIC 153 attends much more to the mystic problem, the winning through to complete victory, than to ethics themselves. In this Philo is not unique. All the virtues would be his when he reached the end of the mystic Road: his task was to push on and on in the wilderness of struggle, fed by the manna, watered by streams of Sophia which Moses evoked for him on the way, looking always to his Captain and Leader, and meanwhile doing as well as he could in his life with other men. What had this mystic view of life to do with Judaism ? It was Jewish, for Philo, in every particular. True the whole for­ mulation of escape from matter to the immaterial, of higher knowledge, mystic union with potencies or the Sophia from God, were all foreign to any natural meaning in his Bible, and came to him and his group directly from the pagans